Gotham’s turned to bedlam,
Now Batman’s lost control.
With that being said,
We are laid in bed,
Doing sweet fuck all.
Superman has lost his fight,
All hope has gone missing.
I’d say I care,
But to be fair,
We’re dancing in then kitchen.
Loki is causing mischief again,
And we are following his lead.
By watching Cuckoo
When we haven’t paid the fee.
Megamind has rule of the city,
Since we all lost out hero.
but we’re too distracted,
between the sheets and the mattress,
To let the fear grow.
That world is plagued right now,
With terror, doom & violence.
I couldn't care less,
How it’s all a mess,
When we’re staring at each other in silence.
I was thinking about how it must feel to reside in one of the superhero cities: Batman’s Gotham, Spiderman’s New York, Megamind’s Metrocity.
You get up, put on a suit and a tie, take your commute to your job and pay your bills. All whilst some jacked up, lycra-wearing maniac is fistfighting the hell out of public infrastructure.
I know that I probably should care, but I don’t think I would. Because no matter what is happening outside of our bedroom window, we are: inside, together, untouchable.